Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Dirt: Kick Winter to the Curb

I love how most blogs right now are kind of on hiatus. Winter is boring, people!

We cook, we eat. We work and exercise. We are boring. I got offered a ticket to hear a band that I love last night and turned it down. Partly because I had the beginning of what I now know is a virus and partly because it is winter and I am exhausted.

I am ready for these pasty legs to see some sunshine. To eat my lunch outdoors and to open all the windows of my house to fresh air.

Today, the Belle and I are both home sick. I worked some, but I really slept most of the day. It was a rough one. Headache, chills, stomach yuck. And it is winter. BLAH!  I have had tea, naps, more tea, a waffle and now I am ready for bed. And some sunshine.

I can't complain too much. My girlfriend in Maine has was looks like 17 feet of snow. My sister has snow. My life is good because I have no snow. But I do have winter and I for one am ready for it to be over! Bring on the beach! Bring on the heat! Bring on Summer!

Time to kick winter to the curb!

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