Thursday, February 14, 2013

Valentine's Day

Happy Valentine's Day!
Here's a few of my favorite Valentines...

Dr. Suess expressed the perfect take on love and finding a Valentine.  
Perfect   as in that this could have been my wedding vows.

I gave these beauties out in 1978 (I was 6). I was not thrilled at the time by my mother's multitasking of getting me an after school snack and my Valentine cards at the same time. I distinctly remember there was a fit thrown. I gave in and gave Oliver, the class bully the Hamburgler as a diss.

I loved comic books as a kid, especially ones with female heroes. I would have cherished these instead of those horrible Mickey D cards.

I loved the Muppets, still do as a matter of fact, and I gave out Muppet cards several years in the 1980's. I think Gonzo was my diss card.
Poor Gonzo and his love of chickens.

The current Muppet valentines are a little weird...

My girls made Valentine's last year for all their friends. By far, they were better than anything I had ever made or thought of making.

My favorite Valentine of all. (Cheesy, I know, but I what can I say...)

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