Saturday, February 2, 2013

Whatever: The List, February

 February is already making herself known. In my neck of the woods, January went out with a roar of tornadoes and flooding. February brought her cool and cute self calmly in with a blast of cold air and sunshine. We are cold here this weekend at Casa Swann, but we are happy. This Sunday my oldest daughter makes her Rite of  Confirmation, a path she sought out on her own. I personally feel confirmation and the rest of the Catholic rites, should be achieved with your own free will and heart. You must decide how you will celebrate your faith in God.
I was a busy girl in January. Cleaning out closets, looking around town for a rental space for our last Little Piggies sale, working, painting, etc. were attacked with the gusto that I feel at the start of a new year.  Lots of prayers have been lifted up as I struggle to find my place and watch my children grow and find their own. 
We are all growing and working towards goals. My husband has hiked dozens of miles with 6 bricks in a backpack training for an event he will do in June. He never ceases to amaze me.
I miss these old school Valentines.
2013 is starting off as a year of reflection and hopefully personal growth. 
AND a year of checking things off. 
My lists keep me on track. 

  1. Cut the laziness out of our family's life: This is actually working! I hide Facebook on my phone, took iPads away from bedrooms, and we still don't have cable. Family time is evolving slowly.
  2. Stop cursing: As my daughter likes to remind me, I am not doing so *&^% good.
  3. Drink more water. Check. Started filling up a water for the car.
  4. Be a better friend: I have gotten lazy in my friendships and my mental status shows it.  Step one of my plan is to call or text my friends when I think of them. If you are hearing from me a lot more lately, you now know why.
  5. Put myself out there for God. Lots of prayers and the light is emerging....YIKES
  6. Read  100 books. 5 down, 95 to go!
  7. Do a creative project a month. Working on a wine themed project. Crocheting still on table.
  8. Exercise with a purpose.  5 workouts a week, but no spin yet. However, I am seeing change, very very slow change.
  9. Teach my baby girl to cook.  We made cookies!
  10. Go back to school. Summer or fall.
  11. Finish our list of house projects.Ellie's room got painted. Boom.
  12. Organize my stuff. Cleaning out closet is scary, but I have taken 3 bags to charity.
  13. Stick to a financial plan to pay off all our debt by 2018.  Work in progress.

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